This is a list of publications in which at least one group member was involved.
- Balestra C, Mayr A and Müller E (2024): Ranking evaluation metrics from a group-theoretic perspective. arXiv preprint. 16009.
- Strömer A, Klein N, Staerk C, Faschingbauer F, Klinkhammer H and Mayr A (2024): Enhanced variable selection for boosting sparser and less complex models in distributional copula regression. arXiv preprint. 03900.
- Staerk C, Klinkhammer H, Wistuba T, Maj C and Mayr A (2024): Generalizability of polygenic prediction models: how is the R2 defined on test data? BMC Medical Genomics. 17(1): 132.
- Daub A, Mayr A, Zhang B and Bergherr E (2024): A Balanced Statistical Boosting Approach for GAMLSS via New Step Lengths. arXiv preprints. 08331.
- Fohler L, Mayr A, Maj C, Staerk C, Klinkhammer H and Krawitz P (2024): Transferability of polygenic risk scores depending on demography and dominance coefficients. medRxiv. 202408.07.24311645.
- Briseno Sanchez G, Klein N, Klinkhammer H and Mayr A (2024): Boosting Distributional Copula Regression for Bivariate Binary, Discrete and Mixed Responses. arXiv e-prints. 02194.
- Stasinopoulos M, Kneib T, Klein N, Mayr A and Heller G Z (2024): Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape: A Distributional Regression Approach, with Applications. Cambridge University Print. 56.
- Guttenthaler V, Kunsorg A, Mayr A, Hering T, Menzenbach J and Wittmann M (2024): PROPDESC-Score-Validierung (PROPDESC-VAL). Die Anaesthesiologie. 1-3.
- Marques C C, Palmeira L, Castilho P, Rodrigues D, Mayr A, Pina T S, Pereira A T, Castelo-Branco M and Goss K (2023): Online Compassion Focused Therapy for overeating: Feasibility and acceptability pilot study. International Journal of Eating Disorders. doi:
- Wiik M U, Negline M, Beisvag V, Clapham M, Holliday E, Duenas N, Brunet J, Pineda M, Bonifaci N, Aretz S, Klinkhammer H, Spier I, Perne C, Mayr A, Valle L, Lubinski J, Sjursen W, Scott R J and Talseth-Palmer B (2023): MTHFR C677T and A1298C polymorphism´s effect on risk of colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome. Scientific Reports. doi:
- Staerk C, Byrd A and Mayr A (2023): Recent methodological trends in Epidemiology: No need for data-driven variable selection? American Journal of Epidemiology. 193(2): 370-376.
- Siener R, Pitzer M S, Speller J and Hesse A (2023): Risk Profile of Patients with Brushite Stone Disease and the Impact of Diet. Nutrients. 15(18): 4092.
- Klein C R, Stoppenbrink D, Geier J, Mayr A and Stark H (2023): The relative area for sublingual varices reliability measurement: a diagnostic study. BMC Oral Health. 23(1): 1-8.
- Stumpfe F, Mayr A, Schneider M, Kehl S, Faschingbauer F, Groten T, Eisele F, Peuker R, Mereutanu D, Hein A, Beckmann M W and Titzmann A (2023): Möglicher Einfluss einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion auf die plazentare Funktion – prospektive Untersuchung des fetalen Wachstums und dopplersonographischer Parameter bei ungeimpften Schwangeren. European Journal of Ultrasound. 44: S19-S19.
- Lesmann H, Klinkhammer and Krawitz P M (2023): The future role of facial image analysis in ACMG classification guidelines. Medizinische Genetik.
- Hassanin E, Maj C, Klinkhammer H, Krawitz P, May P and Bobbili D R (2023): Assessing the performance of European-derived cardiometabolic polygenic risk scores in South-Asians and their interplay with family history. BMC Medical Genomics. 16: 164.
- Speller J, Staerk C, Gude F and Mayr A (2023): Robust gradient boosting for generalized additive models for location, scale and shape. Advances in Data Analysis and Classifiaction. 1-20.
- Schäfer V S, Recker F, Kretschmer E, Putensen C, Ehrentraut S F, Staerk C, Fleckenstein T, Mayr A, Seibel A, Schewe JC and Petzinna S M (2023): Lung Ultrasound in Predicting Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 Treated with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. 15(9): 1796.
- Mohsen G, Strömer A, Mayr A, Kunsorg A, Stoppe C, Wittmann M and Velten M (2023): Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Postoperative Inflammatory Response: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 15(15): 3414.
- Stumpfe F M, Mayr A, Schneider M O, Kehl S, Stübs F, Antoniadis S, Titzmann A, Pontones C A, Bayer C M, Beckmann M W and Faschingbauer F (2023): Cerebroplacental versus Umbilicocerebral Ratio – Analyzing the Predictive Value Regarding Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Low- and High-Risk Fetuses at Term. 59(8): 1385.
- Klau J H, Maj C, Klinkhammer H, Krawitz P M, Mayr A, Hillmer A M, Schumacher J and Heider D (2023): AI-based multi PRS models outperform classical single-PRS models. Frontiers in Genetics. 14: 1217860.
- Hess T, Maj C, Gehlen J, Borisov O, Haas S L, …, Mayr A, …, Schumacher J (2023): Dissecting the genetic heterogeneity of gastric cancer.
- Vagos P, Figueirede DV, Ganho-Avila A, Mayr A and Rijo D (2023): Remotely delivered cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder in adolescence: Preliminary efficacy evidence based on changes throughout treatment. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.915677.
- Aldisi R, Hassanin E, Sivalingam S, Buness A, Klinkhammer H, Mayr A, Fröhlich H, Krawitz P and Maj C (2023): Gene-based burden score indentify rare variant associations for 28 blood biomarkers. BMC Genomic Data.
- Grabert J, Heister U, Mayr A, Fleckenstein T, Kirfel A, Staerk C, Wittmann M and Velten M (2023): Prehospital Misdiagnosed Acute Coronary Syndrome – Incidence, Discriminating Features, and Differential Diagnoses. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. 24(3): 75.
- Stelzl P, Kehl S, Oppelt P, Mayr A, Fleckenstein T, Maul H, Enengl S, Berger R and Rath W (2023): Maintenance tocolysis, tocolysis in preterm premature repture of membranes and in cervical cerclage – a Germany-wide survey on the current practice after dissemination of the German guideline. Journal of Perinatal Medicine.
- Duenas N, Klinkhammer H, Bonifaci N, Spier I, Mayr A, Hassanin E, Diez-Villanueva A, Moreno V, Pineda M, Maj C Capella G, Aretz S and Brunet J (2023): Ability of a polygenic risk score to refine colorectal cancer risk in Lynch syndrome. Journal of Medical Genetics. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.20.23288850.
- Mayr A, Wistuba T, Speller J, Gude F and Hofner B. Linear or smooth? Enhanced model choice in boosting via deselection of base-learners. Statistical Modelling. 23(5-6): 441-455.
- Lyon G J, Vedaie M, Beisheim T, Park A, Marchi E, Gottlieb L, Hsieh T, Klinkhammer H, Sandomirsky K, Cheng H, Starr L J, Preddy I, Tseng M, Li Q, Hu Y, Wang K, Carvalho A, Martinez F, Caro-Llopis A, Gavin M, Amble K, Krawitz P, Marmorstein R and Herr-Israel E (2023): Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of NAA10-related neurodevelopmental syndrome and NAA15-related neurodevelopmental syndrome. European Journal of Human Genetics.
- Schmidt A, Röner S, Mai K, Klinkhammer H, Kircher M and Ludwig K U (2023): Predicting the pathogenicity of missense variants using features derived from AlphaFold2. Bioinformatics.
- Balestra C, Maj C, Müller E and Mayr A (2023): Redundancy-aware unsupervised ranking based on game theory: Ranking pathways in collections of gene sets. PloS one. 18(3): e0282699.
- Strömer A, Klein N, Staerk C, Klinkhammer H and Mayr A (2023): Boosting Multivariate Structured Additive Distributional Regression Models. Statistics in Medicine. 42(11): 1779-1801.
- Klinkhammer H, Staerk C, Maj C, Krawitz P M and Mayr A (2023): A statistical boosting framework for polygenic risk scores based on large-scale genotype data. Frontiers in Genetics. 13: 1076440.
- Kirfel A, Jossen D, Menzenbach J, Mayr A and Wittmann M (2023): Occurrence of postoperative delirium and the use of different assessment tools. 8(1): 11.
- Griesbach C, Mayr A and Bergherr E (2023): Variable selection and allocation in joint models via gradient boosting. 11(2): 411.
- Pollok J M, Tinguely P, Berenguer M, Niemann C U, Raptis D A, Spiro M, …, Mayr A, … (2023): Enhanced recovery for liver transplantation: recommendations from the 2022 international liver transplantation society consensus conference. Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 8(1): 81-94.
- Maj C, Staerk C, Borisov O, Krawitz P and Mayr A (2022): Development of fine-map based polygenic risk scores: an analysis of genetic prediction models for height and LDL cholesterol in UK Biobank. European Journal of Human Genetics. 30(1): 497-498.
- Selaskowski B, Staerk C, Braun N, Matthies S, Graf E, Colla M, Jacob C, Sobanski E, Alm B, Roesler M, Retz W, Retz-Junginger P, Kis B, Abdel-Hamid M, Huss M, Jans T, van Elst LT, Berger M, Lux S, Mayr A and Philipsen A (2022): Multimodal treatment efficacy differs in dependence of core symptom profiles in adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: An analysis of the randomized controlled COMPAS trial. Journal of Psychiatric Research. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.03.049.
- Grabert J, Heister U, Mayr A, Kirfel A, Staerk C, Fleckenstein T and Velten M (2022): Prehospital misdiagnosis of acute cerebral disease for acute coronary syndrome: a retrospective study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 30(1): 1-7.
- Stumpfe F M, Schneider M O, Antoniadis S, Mayr A, Fleckenstein T, Staerk C, Kehl S, Hermanek P, Böhm J, Scharl A, Beckmann M W and Hein A (2022): Lack of evidence for effects of lockdowns on stillbirth rates during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Bavaria: analysis of the Bavarian perinatal survey from 2010 to 2020. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 308(5): 1457-1462.
- Baehner T, Pruemm P, Vergnat M, Asfour B, Straßberger-Nerschbach N, Kirfel A, Hamann M, Mayr A, Schindler E, Velten M and Wittmann M (2022): Effects of on-Table Extubation after Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 11(17): 5186.
- Stumpfe F M, Schneider M O, Hein A, Faschingbauer F, Kehl S, Hermanek P, Böhm J, Scharl A, Beckmann M W, Staerk C and Mayr A (2022): Limited Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic-related Lockdowns and Reduced Population Mobility on Preterm Birth Rates: A Secondary Analysis of Bavarian Obstetric Quality Parameters from 2010 to 2020. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde. 82(8): 842-851.
- Wittmann M, Kirfel A, Jossen D, Mayr A and Menzenbach J (2022): The Impact of Perioperative and Predisposing Risk Factors on the Development of Postoperative Delirium and a Possible Gender Difference. 7(3): 65.
- Condic M, Egger E K, Hohenberger P, Staerk C, Mayr A, Armbrust R, Roser E, Mustea A and Sehouli J (2022): Clinical value of pre-operative scoring systems to predict leiomyosarcoma: results of a validation study in 177 patients from the NOGGO-REGSA Registry. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 32: 5.
- Hassanin E, Spier I, Bobbili D R, Aldisi R, Klinkhammer H, David F, Duenas N, Hüneburg R, Perne C, Brunet J, Capella G, Nöthen M M, Forstner A J, Mayr A, Krawitz P, May P, Aretz S and Maj C (2022): Clinically relevant combined effect of polygenic backround, rare pathogenic germline variants, and family history on colorectal cancer incidence. BMC Medical Genomics. 16(1): 1-12.
- Balestra C, Huber F, Mayr A and Müller E (2022): Unsupervised features ranking via coalitional game theory for categorical data. Computer Science. 97-111.
- Mayr A, Fleckenstein T, Kneib T and de Sousa B (2022): Teaching probabilities and risks to medical students with a special focus on communication with patients. 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics. doi:10.52041/iase.icots11.t13a2.
- Hans N, Klein N, Faschingbauer F, Schneider M and Mayr A (2022): Boosting distributional copula regression. 79(3): 2298-2310.
- Schroeder J, Chegwidden L, Maj C, Gehlen J, […], Mayr A, Gharahkhani P, Macgregor S, Gockel I, Palles C, Schumacher J (2022): GWAS meta-analysis of 16,790 patients with Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma identifies 16 novel genetic risk loci and provides insights into disease etiology beyond the single marker level. GUT BMJ. 72(4): 612-623.
- Aldisi R, Hassanin E, Sivalingam S, Buness A, Klinkhammer H, Mayr A, Fröhlich H, Krawitz P and Maj C (2022): GenRisk: A tool for comprehensive genetic risk modeling. Bioinformatics. 38(9): 2651-2653.
- Maj C, Staerk C, Borisov O, Klinkhammer H, Yeung M W, Krawitz P, Mayr A (2022): Statistical learning for sparser fine-mapped polygenic models: the prediction of LDL-cholesterol. Genetic Epidemiology. 46(8): 589-603.
- Speller J, Staerk C and Mayr A (2022): Robust statistical boosting with quantile-based adaptive loss function. International Journal of Biostatistics.
- Fox F, Diers K, Lee H, Mayr A, Reuter M, Breteler M and Aziz A (2022): Association between accelerometer-derived physical activity measurements and brain structure: A population-based cohort-study. Neurology. 99(11): e-1202-e1215.
- Hilbert A, Staerk C, Strömer A, Mansfeld T, Sander J, Seyfried F, Kaiser S, Dietrich A and Mayr A (2022): Nonnormative eating behaviors and eating disorders in their associations with weight loss and quality of life over six years following obesity surgery. JAMA Network Open. 5(8): e2226244-e22226244.
- Wistuba T, Mayr A and Staerk C (2022): Estimating the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany via spline-based hierarchical modelling of death counts. Scientific Reports. 12(1): 9784.
- Menzenbach J, Kirfel A, Guttenthaler V, Feggeler J, Hilbert T, Ricchiuto A, Staerk C, Mayr A, Coburn M and Wittmann M (2022): PRe-Operative Prediction of postoperative DElirium by appropriate SCreening (PROPDESC) development and validation of a pragmatic POD risk screening score based on routing preoperative data. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 78: 110684.
- Kirfel A, Guttenthaler V, Mayr A, Coburn M, Menzenbach J and Wittmann M (2022): Postoperative delirium is an independent factor influencing the length of stay of elderly patients in the intensive care unit and in hospital. Journal of Anesthesia. 36(3): 341-348.
- Gessner A, Gemeinhardt A, Bosch A, Kannenkeril D, Staerk C, Mayr A, Fromm M F, Schmieder R E and Renke M (2022): Effects of treatment with SGLT-2 inhibitors on arginine-related cardiovascular and renal biomarkers. Cardiovascular diabetology. 21(1): 1–11.
- Strömer A, Staerk C, Klein N, Weinhold L, Titze S and Mayr A (2021): Deselection of base-learners for statistical boosting—with an application to distributional regression. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 31(2): 207-224.
- Menzenbach J, Frede S, Petras J, Guttenthaler V, Kirfel A, Neumann C, Mayr A, Wittmann M, Coburn M, Klaschik S and Hilbert T (2021): Perioperative Vascular Biomarker Profiling in Elective Surgery Patients Developing Postoperative Delirium: A Prospective Cohort Study. Biomedicines. 9(5): 553.
- Menzenbach J, Layer Y C, Layer Y L, Mayr A, Coburn M, Wittmann M and Hilbert T (2021): The level of postoperative care influences mortality prediction by the POSPOM score: A retrospective cohort analysis. PloS one. 16(9): e0257829.
- Staerk C and Mayr A (2021): Randomized boosting with multivariable base-learners for high-dimensional variable selection and prediction. BMC Bioinformatics. 22(1): 1-28.
- Adam T, Mayr A and Kneib T (2021): Gradient boosting in Markov-switching generalized additive models for location, scale, and shape. Econometrics and Statistics. 22: 3-16.
- Layer Y C, Menzenbach J, Layer Y L, Mayr A, Hilbert T, Velten M, Hoeft A and Wittmann M (2021): Validation of the Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality (POSPOM) in Germany. PloS one. 16(1): e0245841.
- Dürr P, Schlichtig K, Kelz C, Deutsch B, Maas R, Eckart M J, Wilke J, Wagner H, Wolff K, Preuß C, Brückl V, Meidenbauer N, Staerk C, Mayr A, Fietkau R, Goebell P J, Kunath F, Beckmann M W, Mackensen A, Neurath M F, Pavel M, Dörje F and Fromm M F (2021): The Randomized AMBORA Trial: Impact of Pharmacological/Pharmaceutical Care on Medication Safety and Patient-Reported Outcomes During Treatment With New Oral Anticancer Agents. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 39: 1983-1994.
- Kirfel A, Menzenbach J, Guttenthaler V, Feggeler J, Mayr A, Coburn M and Wittmann M (2021): Postoperative delirium after cardiac surgery of elderly patients as an independent risk factor for prolonged length of stay in intensive care unit and in hospital. Aging Clinical and Exerimental Research. 33(11) 3047-3056 .
- Rappl, A. Mayr A and Waldmann, E (2021): More than one way: exploring the capabilities of different estimation approaches to joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event outcomes. The International Journal of Biostatistics. 18(1): 127-149.
- Hepp T, Zierk J, Rauh M, Metzler M and Mayr A (2020): Latent class distributional regression for the estimation of non-linear reference limits from contaminated data sources. BMC Bioinformatics. 21(1): 1-15.
- Winkler C, Linden K, Mayr A, Schultz T, Welchowski T, Breuer J and Herberg U (2020): RefCurv: A software for the construction of pediatric reference curves. Software Impacts. 6:100040.
- Staerk C, Wistuba T, Mayr A (2020): Estimating the evolution of effective infection fatality rates during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. BMC Public Health. 21(1): 1-9.
- Schmiedel K, Mayr A, Fießler C, Schlager H and Friedland K (2020): Lebensqualität und Zufriedenheit während der Teilnahme am Diabetes-Präventionsprogramm GLICEMIA: eine cluster-randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie. Das Gesundheitswesen. 82(11): 844-851.
- Stumpfe F M, Faschingbauer F, Kehl S, Pretscher J, Mayr A, Schmidt M, Beckmann M W and Stelzl P (2020): Amniotic-umbilical-to-cerebral ratio-a new ratio of doppler parameters and the amount of amniotic fluid to predict an unfavorable perinatal outcome in patients with SGA-fetuses. GEBURTSHILFE UND FRAUENHEILKUNDE. 80(10): E149.
- Pretscher J, Kehl S, Stelzl P, Stumpfe F M, Mayr A, Schmid M, Staerk C, Schild R L, Beckmann M W and Faschingbauer F (2020): Influence of sonographic fetal weight estimation in (suspected) fetal macrosomia on perinatal outcome. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde. 80(10): FV037.
- Stumpfe F M, Kehl S, Pretscher J, Mayr A, Schmidt M, Schneider M O, Beckmann M W and Faschingbauer F (2020): Correlation of short-term variation and doppler parameters with adverse perinatal outcome in small-for-gestational age fetuses at term. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde. 80(10): P147.
- Puls HC, Schmidt R, Herpertz S, Zipfel S, Tuschen-Caffier B, Friedrich HC, Gerlach F, Mayr A, Lam T, Schade-Brittinger C, de Zwaan M and Hilbert A (2020): Adherence as a predictor of dropout in Internet‐based guided self‐help for adults with binge‐eating disorder and overweight or obesity. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 53(4): 555-563.
- Menzenbach J, Guttenthaler V, Kirfel A, Ricchiuto A, Neumann C, Adler L, Kieback M, Velten L, Fimmers R, Mayr A, Wittmann M, Hoeft A, Feggeler J, Huber-Petersen S, Thudium C, Bottenberg M, Fidorra J, Güven M, Hida L, Jossen D, Mundt L, Schaaf K, Schwittlinsky N, Toma A and Toma O (2020): Estimating patients’ risk for postoperative delirium from preoperative routine data-trial design of the PRe-Operative prediction of postoperative DElirium by appropriate SCreenging (PROPDESC) study – A monocentre prospective observational trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 17: 100501.
- Pretscher J, Kehl S, Stumpfe F M, Mayr A, Schmid M, Schild R L, Beckmann M W and Faschingbauer F (2020): Ultrasound fetal weight estimation in diabetic pregnancies. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 39(2): 341-350.
- Hilbert A, Herpertz S, Zipfel S, Tuschen-Caffier B, Friedrich HC, Mayr A and de Zwaan M (2020): Psychopathological networks in cognitive-behavioral treatments for binge-eating disorder. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 89(6): 379-385.
- Stumpfe F M, Faschingbauer F, Kehl S, Pretscher J, Stelzl P, Mayr A, Schild R L, Schmid M, Beckmann M W and Schneider M O (2019): Correlation of short-term variation and doppler parameters with adverse perinatal outcome in small-for-gestational age fetuses at term. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 300(3): 575-581.
- Baier F, Weinhold L, Stumpfe F M, Kehl S, Pretscher J, Bayer C M, Topal N, Pontones C, Mayr A, Schild R L, Schmid M, Beckmann M W and Faschingbauer F (2019): Longitudinaler Verlauf von Kurzzeitvariation und Doppler Parametern bei Feten mit früh einsetzender Wachstumsrestriktion. Ultraschall in der Medizin-European Journal of Ultrasound. 40(S01): WS16-4.
- Stumpfe F M, Kehl S, Stelzl P, Pretscher J, Mayr A, Schmid M, Beckmann M W and Faschingbauer F (2019): Assoziation von Kurzzeitvariation und Dopplersonografie mit dem perinatalen Outcome bei Terminüberschreitung. Ultraschall in der Medizin-European Journal of Ultrasound. 40(S01): WS16-1.
- Hepp T, Schmid M, Gefeller O, Waldmann E and Mayr A (2019): Addendum to: approaches to regularized regression–a comparison between gradient boosting and the lasso. Methods of information in medicine. 58(1): 60.
- Schmiedel K, Mayr A, Fießler C, Schlager H and Friedland K (2019): Quality of life and satisfaction during the diabetes prevention program GLICEMIA: a cluster-randomized, controlled trial. Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Ärzte des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)). 82(11): 844-851.
- Hepp T, Schmid M and Mayr A (2019): Significance tests for boosted location and scale models with linear base-learners. The international journal of biostatistics. 15(1).
- Pretscher J, Schwenke E, Baier F, Kehl S, Schneider M, Stumpfe F M, Schmid M, Beckmann M W, Mayr A, Schild R and Faschingbauer F (2019): Can sonographic fetal biometry predict adverse perinatal outcome? Ultraschall in der Medizin-European Journal of Ultrasound. 40(2): 230-236.
- Stumpfe F, Kehl S, Pretscher J, Baier F, Bayer C, Schwenke E, Schneider M, Mayr A, Schild R, Schmid M, Beckmann M and Faschingbauer F (2019): Correlation of short-term variation and doppler parameters with adverse perinatal outcome in low-risk fetuses at term. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics. 299(2): 411-420.
- Hilbert A, Herpertz S, Zipfel S, Tuschen-Caffier B, Friedrich HC, Mayr A, Crosby R D and de Zwaan M (2019): Early change trajectories in cognitive-behavioral therapy for binge-eating disorder. Behavior Therapy. 50(1): 115-125.
- Mayr A, Weinhold L, Hofner B, Titze S, Gefeller O and Schmid M (2018): The betaboost package – a software tool for modeling bounded outcome variables in potentially high-dimensional epidemiological data. International Journal of Epidemiology. 47(5): 1383-1388.
- Mayr A and Hofner B (2018): Boosting for statistical modelling – a non-technical introduction. Statistical Modelling. 18(3-4): 365-384.
- Groll A, Kneib T and Mayr A (2018): Editorial: Bridging the gap between methodology and applications: Tutorials on semiparametric regression. Statistical Modelling. 18(3-4): 365-384.
- Paslakis G, Maas S, Gebhard B, Mayr A, Rauh M and Erim Y (2018): Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIa clinical trial on the eects of an estrogen-progestin combination as add-on to inpatient psychotherapy in adult female patients suering from anorexia nervosa. BMC Psychiatry. 18(1):93.
- Brockhaus S, Fuest A, Mayr A and Greven S (2018): Signal regression models for location, scale and shape with an application to stock returns. JRSS-C – Applied Statistics. 67(3): 665-686.
- Koenig H H, Bleibler F, Friedrich H C, Herpertz S, Lam T, Mayr A, Schmidt F, Svaldi J, Zipfel S, Brettschneider C, Hilbert A, de Zwaan M and Egger N (2018): Economic evaluation of cognitive behavioral therapy and Internet-based guided self-help for binge-eating disorder. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 51(2): 155-164.
- Groll A, Kneib T, Mayr A and Schauberger G (2018): On the dependency of soccer scores – A sparse bivariate poisson model for the UEFA European football championship 2016. 14(2): 65-79.
- Thomas J, Mayr A, Bischl B, Schmid M, Smith A and Hofner B (2018): Gradient boosting for distributional regression – faster tuning and improved variable selection via noncyclical updates. Statistics and Computing. 28(3): 678-687.
- Dircks M, Mayr A, Freidank A, Kornhuber J, Dörje F and Friedland K (2017):
Advances in clinical pharmacy education in Germany: a quasi-experimental single-blinded study to evaluate a patient-centred clinical pharmacy course in psychiatry. BMC Medical Education. 17: 251. - Gefeller O, Hofner B, Mayr A and Waldmann E (2017): Predictive modelling based on statistical learning in biomedicine. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. vol. 2017, Article ID 4041736, doi:10.1155/2017/4041736.
- Mayr A, Schmid M, Pfahlberg A, Uter W and Gefeller O (2017): A permutation test to analyse systematic bias and random measurement errors of medical devices via boosting location and scale models. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 26(3): 1443-1460.
- de Zwaan M, Herpertz S, Zipfel S, Svaldi J, Friedrich HC, Schmidt F, Mayr A, Lam T, Schade-Brittinger C and Hilbert A (2017): Internet-based guided self-help versus individual face-to-face treatment for patients with overweight or obesity and full or subsyndromal Binge Eating Disorder (INTERBED): a randomized clinical non-inferiority trial. JAMA Psychiatry. 74(10): 987-995.
- Mayr A, Hofner B, Waldmann E, Hepp T, Meyer S and Gefeller O (2017): An update on statistical boosting in biomedicine. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. vol. 2017, Article ID 6083072, doi:10.1155/2017/6083072.
- Thomas J, Hepp T, Mayr A and Bischl B (2017): Probing for sparse and fast variable selection with model-based boosting. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. vol. 2017, Article ID 1421409, doi:10.1155/2017/1421409.
- Waldmann E, Taylor-Robinson D, Klein N, Kneib T, Pressler T, Schmid M and Mayr A (2017): Boosting joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data. Biometrical Journal. 59(6): 1104-1121.
- Faschingbauer F, Heimrich J, Raabe E, Kehl S, Schneider M, Schmid M, Beckmann M, Schild R L and Mayr A (2017): Longitudinal Z-score distribution in sonographic fetal biometry: influence of examiner and experience. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 36(5): 1021-1028.
- Faschingbauer F, Heimrich J, Raabe E, Kehl S, Schneider M, Schmid M, Beckmann M, Hepp T, Luebke A, Mayr A and Schild R L (2017): Longitudinal assessment of examiner experience on the accuracy of sonographic fetal weight estimation at term. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 36(1): 163-174.